
Revisão de 01h40min de 22 de maio de 2011 por Dago (Discussão | contribs) (Grupo de Pesquisa em Análise Numérica)
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Dagoberto Adriano Rizzotto Justo, Prof.

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Grupo de Pesquisa em Análise Numérica

Linha de Pesquisa
Análise Numérica
Pesquisa em Análise Numérica
Análise espectral e estabilidade

<source lang="fortran"> module m_strategy_pattern implicit none

abstract interface

   !! A generic interface to a subroutine accepting array of integers
   subroutine generic_function(numbers)
       integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: numbers
   end subroutine

end interface

type :: Button

   character(len=20) :: label
   procedure(generic_function), pointer, nopass :: on_submit


   procedure :: init

end type Button


   subroutine init(self, func, label)
       class(Button), intent(inout) :: self
       procedure(generic_function) :: func
       character(len=*) :: label
       self%on_submit => func      !! Procedure pointer
       self%label = label
   end subroutine init
   subroutine summation(array)
       integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
       integer :: total
       total = sum(array)
       write(*,*) total
   end subroutine summation
   subroutine join(array)
       integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
       write(*,*) array        !! Just write out the whole array
   end subroutine join

end module m_strategy_pattern

!! The following program demonstrates the usage of the module program test_strategy use m_strategy_pattern implicit none

   type(Button) :: button1, button2
   integer :: i
   call button1%init(summation, "Add them")
   call button2%init(join, "Join them")
   call button1%on_submit([(i, i=1,10)])   !! Displays 55
   call button2%on_submit([(i, i=1,10)])   !! Prints out the array

end program test_strategy </source>


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